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jewish cemetery artinya

contoh kalimat "jewish cemetery"
  • There is a Jewish cemetery in the town.
    Sekarang di kota ini masih ada sebuah pemakaman Yahudi.
  • He inflicted heavy punishment for the desecration of Jewish cemeteries.
    Dia menyebabkan hukuman berat bagi penodaan pemakaman Yahudi.
  • It is the second largest Jewish cemetery in Europe.
    Permakaman ini adalah permakaman Yahudi terbesar kedua di Eropa.
  • What, are you worried they won't bury you in a Jewish cemetery?
    Kau khawatir mereka takkan menguburmu di kuburan Yahudi?
  • The old Jewish cemetery was renowned.
    Ekskavasi pekuburan Yahudi telah dihentikan.
  • I'm gonna like not be able to get buried in a Jewish cemetery or
    Aku tak akan diterima di semua pemakaman Yahudi.
  • It is one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in South-East Europe.
    Tempat tersebut adalah salah satu pemakaman Yahudi terbesar di Eropa Tenggara.
  • They encouraged street fights against Jews, and vandalism of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries.
    Stasi memerintahkan vandalisme terhadap makam dan situs Yahudi lainnya.
  • He is buried at the Jewish cemetery Shir HeHarim of Brattleboro, Vermont.
    Ia dimakamkan di pemakanan Yahudi Shir he harim di Brattleboro, Vermont.
  • "Jewish Cemetery in Sarajevo - UNESCO World Heritage Centre".
    "Jewish Cemetery in Sarajevo - UNESCO World Heritage Centre". (dalam bahasa Inggris).
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